Is THC Legal in Oklahoma?


What Is THC?

One of the chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant, THC, also known as tetrahydrocannabinol, is the main cannabinoid associated with the intoxicating or psychoactive effects of the cannabis plant. THC works by interacting with the ECS (endocannabinoid system) in the body in order to produce psychotropic effects. The ECS plays a crucial role in protecting the nervous system, helping with stress recovery, regulating homeostatic balance, and activating the immune system response.

THC can be found in hemp and marijuana plants. However, THC is more commonly derived from the marijuana plant. Per federal law, hemp may contain no more than 0.3% THC. THC occurs in the cannabis plant in various forms. Some of the most common isomers of THC include Delta-7 THC, Delta-8 THC, Delta-10 THC, and Exo-THC.

Is THC Legal in Oklahoma?

Only THC derived from hemp is legal in Oklahoma. THC derived from marijuana is prohibited in the state and may only be consumed by persons registered under the state’s medical marijuana program within the stipulated limits.

How Much THC is in Weed?

Over the years, the concentration of THC in cannabis has risen significantly, according to the tests conducted by the DEA on samples seized by the agency. In the 1960s, cannabis strains were reported to contain between 4 and 5% THC. In 2018, the DEA published a report stating that the average THC concentration in confiscated marijuana samples was 15%. Today, consumers can readily find cannabis products at local stores with more than 20% THC.

The concentration level of THC in weed also varies per strain and cannabis plant part. Cannabis flowers contain the highest concentration of THC, with some stores selling cannabis flowers containing more than 20% THC in states where marijuana is legal. Cannabis concentrates typically contain at least 70% THC. It is even possible to find THC distillates with 99% THC concentration. Some common cannabis strains and their average THC concentration levels include:

  • Godfather OG: 34%
  • Do-Si-Dos: 20-27%
  • Gas Monkey: 20-26%
  • Yoda OG: 15-24%
  • Scones: 20-24%

The THC concentration in a cannabis product indicates the potency, and manufacturers are under an obligation to inform consumers of the values. On the labels for cannabis products, consumers can find figures for the concentrations of THC, THCA, Total THC, CBD, CBDA, and Total CBD. Note that THC is not only one compound. It has various structural forms, referred to as chemical analogs. The following forms are the common structural variants of THC, listed in descending order of abundance in cannabis plants:

  • Delta-9 THC
  • Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV)
  • Tetrahydrocannabiorcol (THCC)
  • Tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THCP)
  • Delta-7 Tetrahydrocannabinol
  • Delta-8 Tetrahydrocannabinol
  • Delta-10 Tetrahydrocannabinol

Oklahoma THC Laws 2024

Cannabis products containing more than 0.3% THC are illegal in Oklahoma because recreational marijuana remains illegal in the state. However, pursuant to State Question 788, Oklahomans enrolled in the medical cannabis registry who possess recommendations from qualified physicians may purchase marijuana-derived THC and have up to:

  • 3 ounces or 85 grams of usable cannabis on them and 8 ounces at home
  • 1 ounce or 28 grams of THC concentrates
  • 72 ounces of edible THC products

THC derived from hemp was legalized in the United States in 2018 through the Farm Bill enacted that year. The 2018 Farm Bill declassified hemp as a controlled substance and permitted the cultivation of hemp in the United States. The bill defined hemp as a cannabis plant containing no more than 0.3% THC on a dry weight basis.

HB 2913, signed by Governor Mary Fallin in April 2018, was Oklahoma's response to the federal Farm Bill in 2018. The state legalized hemp-derived THC products, provided such products do not contain more THC than the federally stated limits. Hemp-derived THC products that may be purchased in Oklahoma include topicals, edibles, and vapes.

What is the Legal Limit for THC While Driving in Oklahoma?

Under Oklahoma's zero tolerance per se laws, persons operating motor vehicles in the state are prohibited from having any detectable amount of THC and its inactive metabolites in their blood, saliva, or urine. Per HB 1441, which contained Oklahoma's marijuana per se laws, a motorist who tests positive for the presence of THC or its metabolites is guilty of a criminal traffic safety violation, even if there exists no supporting evidence that such compounds impaired the defendant's behaviors.

A first-time charge for operating a motor vehicle under the influence of marijuana is considered a misdemeanor punishable by 10 days to 1 year imprisonment and up to $1,000 in fines. A second offense occurring within 10 years is a felony punishable by up to 5 years in prison and $2,500 in fines.

Will THC Show Up on a Drug Test?

Yes, THC may show up on a drug test depending on certain factors such as the:

  • Drug test type
  • Amount of THC consumed
  • Frequency of THC use
  • Genetics of the consumer
  • Body fat of the consumer
  • Metabolism of the consumer

How Long Does THC Stay in the Body?

THC and its metabolites are detectable by drug tests. These metabolites stay in the body long after the benefits of marijuana have tapered off. When you smoke or consume cannabis, THC is absorbed into the bloodstream. Some THC is briefly retained in organs and fatty tissues before being broken down in the liver. THC contains over 100 metabolites, which persist in the body longer than THC itself.

The most commonly used test to detect THC is the urine test. Per a study conducted in 2017, THC may be detected in urine for the following period after last use:

  • Single-use: 3 days
  • Moderate use (four times per week): 5-7 days
  • Daily use: 10-15 days
  • Multiple use per day: more than 30 days

Blood tests are often used to detect recent THC use, especially usage within the last 2-12 hours. However, in chronic heavy use scenarios, blood tests may be used to detect THC in the plasma 30 days after the last use.

Saliva tests have a short THC detection window and can be used to detect same-day THC use. However, saliva tests can detect THC use for more extended periods (up to 72 hours after use) than blood tests in cases of acute THC use. Hair follicle tests are the most sensitive kind of drug test for THC. Hair follicle tests may detect THC for up to 90 days after use. In a hair follicle test, a hair sample is taken close to the scalp of the THC user.

What Is THC Oil?

THC oil is the oil extracted from the cannabis plant containing more than 0.3% THC. THC oils are created by extracting THC and other cannabinoids from the cannabis plant and suspending the cannabinoids in a carrier oil. THC oil is safe to consume or ingest and can be taken orally, inhaled by vaporization, applied topically, or formulated into suppositories. However, since THC is a psychoactive compound, THC oil can get users high. Hence, first-time users are recommended to verify the potency levels of THC oils purchased before consumption, and consume only small amounts.

THC oil is not the same as CBD oil. CBD oil is formulated to contain high levels of cannabidiol and is typically obtained from hemp plants. Unlike THC oil, CBD oil does not have intoxicating effects on consumers.

What Is THC Distillate?

THC distillate is a thoroughly refined form of THC obtained from the cannabis plant through distillation. Distillation uses heat to vaporize cannabis, and once vaporized, the cannabinoid is collected in a distillation cooling system, which eliminates chlorophyll, plant debris, and all other types of residue. Even when using a flower with a THC content of 20%, the end product from a distillation process contains 90-99% THC. This is in stark contrast to other types of concentrates which use extraction methods. BHO (Butane Hash Oil) or Carbon-dioxide extractions often produce concentrates containing about 60-85% THC. Distillation produces a highly pure cannabis extract since there is no need to use solvents to remove the cannabinoids from cannabis. Through distillation, a concentrate with high amounts of THC and no contaminants is produced.

A THC distillate may be consumed in various ways, including vaporizing, topping out your joint or bowl to smoke, sublingually, or even as a suppository. THC distillate is versatile and can be readily put into any form that a consumer feels comfortable with.

If you want to purchase a distillate that is unlikely to get you intoxicated, you may purchase a CBD distillate. A CBD distillate has undergone the distillation process to produce a refined extract containing about 70-80% CBD. CBD distillate may be used to control pain or aid relaxation.

Where to Buy THC in Oklahoma

You can purchase marijuana-derived THC products from approved medical marijuana dispensaries if you are qualified and registered under the state medical marijuana program. You can also purchase hemp-derived THC products in the state from cannabis dispensaries and online stores.

THC Edibles Dosing Guide

THC Amount Expected Effects Who Should Use It?
Up to 2.5 mg Improves mental focus and mildly relieves pain and stress First-time users and microdosers
2.5 - 5 mg Provides stronger pain relief and euphoria. May impair judgment, perception, and coordination Medical marijuana patients, recreational marijuana users, and those looking to calm sleeps
5 - 10 mg Produces stronger euphoria. May also alter perception and impair coordination Users with high tolerance to THC
10 - 20 mg Very strong euphoria likely leading to a higher likelihood of impaired judgment, slower reaction times, anxiety, and altered perception Users with particularly high tolerance to THC and medical marijuana patients with malabsorption syndrome (reduced gastrointestinal absorption)
50 - 100 mg Guaranteed mood and perception alteration along with impaired coordination. Likely to cause significant side effects such as pain, increased heart rate, and nausea Medical marijuana patients living with severe chronic pain, cancer, or other intractable conditions such as inflammatory disorders


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