Medical Marijuana Education Facility License in Oklahoma

Interested in starting a Cannabis business in Oklahoma?

What Is a Medical Marijuana Education Facility License in Oklahoma?

An Oklahoma medical marijuana education facility license authorizes the licensee to provide training and education to individuals relating to the cultivation, growing, harvesting, curing, preparing, packaging, or testing of medical marijuana. The license also authorizes the manufacture, production, extraction, processing, packaging, or creation of medical marijuana products or medical-marijuana-infused products for the limited education and research purposes approved in the application, pursuant to 63 O.S. § 427.20 et seq. The curriculum or research must meet the requirements as outlined in the statute. Education facility licensees are authorized to transfer, by sale or donation, medical marijuana grown within its operation to licensed research licensees and to transfer to licensed testing laboratories.

Does Oklahoma License Medical Marijuana Research Facilities?

Yes. Per the OMMA rules, a medical marijuana research facility license is required:

  • Test cultivation techniques, strategies, infrastructure, mediums, lighting, and other related technology
  • To demonstrate cultivation techniques, procedures, infrastructure, mediums, lighting, and other related technology
  • To demonstrate the application and use of product manufacturing technologies
  • To conduct genomic, horticultural, or agricultural research
  • To conduct research on marijuana-affiliated products or systems

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Education Facility License in Oklahoma

You must complete an application and submit it to the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority to obtain a medical marijuana education facility license in Oklahoma. The application is required to be completed online via the OMMA licensing portal. Before starting your application, you should review the OMMA Commercial License Application Checklist to verify the necessary items for your application.

On your application on the OMMA licensing portal, the following are required:

  • Background Checks: Proof of ID and background checks are required for owners, principal officers, such as board members, or individuals applying on behalf of an entity or on their own behalf. Per OAC 442:10-1-5 and Title 63 O.S. § 420 et. seq., applicants and certain specified individuals are required to undergo an Oklahoma state criminal history background check within 30 days of applying for any commercial marijuana license in Oklahoma. A background check in Oklahoma can be submitted in a paper form by mail, fax, or in person to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI). Alternatively, the state allows the background check to be submitted electronically to the OSBI. Note that any applicant with a disqualifying conviction will be disqualified from receiving a medical marijuana education facility license. A disqualifying conviction means:

    • Any non-violent felony conviction within the last 2 years of the application submission date
    • Any violent felony conviction within the last 5 years of the application submission date pursuant to 57 O.S. § 571 (2)
    • Incarceration for any reason during application submission

    After you receive your background check from the OSBI, you must upload it as part of your application through the OMMA application portal. If you are deemed ineligible due to a disqualifying criminal conviction, you will get a notification from the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority

  • Project Description: You must provide a description of the project in accordance with the licensing guidance document provided on the OMMA website. The OMMA list varying requirements for education facility applicants conducting research projects involving public institutions or public money and projects not involving public institutions or public money

  • Certificate of Compliance: You are required to provide a Certificate of Compliance from the political subdivision holding jurisdiction over your facility's location, be it a city or county. If your facility is located within the jurisdictional limit of Oklahoma City, you can use a Certificate of Compliance supplied by the city. To ensure a smooth application process and to obtain more information on acquiring a Certificate of Compliance, it is recommended that you contact your city or county authorities and review the information provided on the commercial licensing page of the OMMA website

  • Residency Requirements: If the education facility is privately owned, you must present proof of Oklahoma residency showing that at least 75% of the facility's ownership is Oklahoma residents. The following are acceptable for use in proving Oklahoma residency:

    • Oklahoma ID card
    • Oklahoma driver's license
    • A property deed to a residential property in Oklahoma
    • Utility bills. Internet and cellular phone bills are not acceptable
    • A current rental agreement for a residential property located in Oklahoma
  • Contracts and agreements: If you are using public funds or collaborating with a public institution, you are required to back up your application with proper documentation. This should include contracts and agreements that clearly outline the extent of involvement of public funds or public institutions in the project

After submitting your application:

  • The OMMA will review the application to verify its completeness and correctness. This includes checking to ensure that you have included all of the required information and that the information is accurate
  • If your application is complete and correct, the OMMA will determine if it meets the requirements of Oklahoma law (63 O.S. §427.19 et seq.)
  • If your education facility license application is approved, you will receive an approval letter with your license. The license will be mailed to the email address listed on your application
  • If your application is denied, you will get an email correspondence stating the reasons why it was not approved. You will be able to make corrections and resubmit your application free of charge

Note that OMMA processing time for an application is typically around 90 business days. However, the processing time may be longer if the OMMA receives a large number of applications or if there are any issues with your application.

For more information on obtaining a medical marijuana education facility license in Oklahoma, check the how-to video on the OMMA website or contact:

Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority

PO Box 262266

Oklahoma City, OK 73126-2266

Phone: (405) 522-6662

How Much Does a Medical Marijuana Education Facility License Cost in Oklahoma?

The stipulated application fee for a medical marijuana education facility license is $500. The OMMA allows applicants to pay the fee with Visa, MasterCard, or Discover credit or debit cards. There is a card transaction fee of about $13.30. Both the application fee and processing fees are non-refundable. The medical marijuana education facility license is valid for one year and costs $500 to renew. Renewal applications are to be made online to the OMMA.

Can Medical Marijuana Education Facility Licensees Hold Other Cannabis Licenses in Oklahoma?

The regulations set forth by OMMA do not clarify whether holders of the Medical Marijuana Education Facility license are permitted to possess additional cannabis licenses within the state.