Is Delta-9 Legal in Oklahoma?


What Is Delta-9 THC?

Delta-9 THC, short for Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, is the most important isomer of THC. Delta THC refers to a group of naturally occurring and synthetically derived cannabinoids. Delta-9 THC is widely recognized as the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis and is responsible for the intoxicating high experienced by cannabis users.

Delta-9 THC can be found in both hemp and marijuana plants. In hemp, its concentration levels may not exceed 0.3% on a dry weight basis in accordance with the 2018 Farm Bill. In marijuana, THC levels vary depending on the preparation. In 2019, the average THC concentration level in marijuana was about 14%. Today, marijuana strains, such as Girl Scout Cookie, contain a THC concentration level of up to 28%, while some marijuana extracts and concentrates may contain Delta-9 THC levels exceeding 50%.

Delta-9 THC products are often used recreationally, but they may also be used for wellness or medicinal purposes. This cannabinoid is commonly used to manage the following medical conditions:

  • Glaucoma
  • Insomnia
  • Migraines
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Inflammation
  • Seizures
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Symptoms associated with HIV/AIDS

The side effects associated with Delta-9 THC use include:

  • Learning impairment
  • Increased anxiety
  • Decreased memory formation
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Changes in perception
  • Rapid heartbeats
  • Hallucinations
  • Paranoia

Delta-9 THC products are available as tinctures, vape cartridges, gummies, oils, and concentrates.

Is Delta-9 Legal in Oklahoma?

Marijuana-derived Delta-9 THC is illegal in Oklahoma. However, medical marijuana patients registered under the Oklahoma medical cannabis program can purchase Delta-9 THC products up to a specific limit pursuant to Oklahoma State Question 788 (SQ 788). Under SQ 788, patients and their designated caregivers may possess up to:

  • 72 ounces of Delta-9 THC edible products
  • 1 ounce of Delta-9 THC concentrate
  • 3 ounces of usable Delta-9 THC on them and 8 ounces of Delta-9 THC at home

Also, under the 2018 Farm Bill and SB 1033, Oklahomans can purchase hemp-derived THC products containing no more than 0.3% Delta-9 THC.

Qualified medical marijuana patients may purchase Delta-9 THC products from approved medical marijuana dispensaries, while persons looking to purchase hemp-derived Delta-9 products may buy them from hemp stores, convenience stores, vape stores, and online stores. Hemp-derived Delta-9 THC products may be shipped into Oklahoma by online businesses offering such products outside the state's borders.

What is the Difference Between Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC?

Delta-8 and Delta-9 are THC isomers. Delta-9 occurs naturally and abundantly in cannabis plants, especially the marijuana plant, while Delta-8 THC only occurs in limited amounts in cannabis plants, typically in hemp plants. On the other hand, Delta-9 THC is easily extracted from marijuana plants. In contrast, cannabis processors usually synthesize Delta-8 THC from CBD isolate.

While Delta-8 and Delta-9 have comparable chemical structures, their molecular configurations are slightly different. This slight variation impacts how both compounds interact with the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS). The difference in interaction with the ECS results in varying mental and therapeutic effects in users.

While Delta-9 THC may produce quick intoxication in users, Delta-8's effects are milder, inducing calming sensations in users. Delta-8 users also experience heightened focus or concentration, mild euphoria, and increased excitement.

Both Delta-8 THC and Delta-9 THC offer therapeutic benefits. Delta-8-THC has antiemetic, analgesic, anxiety-reducing, and neuroprotective properties, which makes it the preferred option by persons looking to avoid the intoxicating effects of Delta-9 THC. Although Delta-8 THC may be used to alleviate pain and inflammation, reduce anxiety, and improve attention, it is only about 50-66% as potent as Delta-9 THC.

Delta-9 vs Delta-10

Delta-9 and Delta-10 THC are also THC isomers with the same chemical formula but have slightly different molecular structures. Specifically, the placement of a carbon double-bond occurs on the tenth bond in Delta-10 THC rather than the ninth in the carbon chain as in Delta-9 THC. Unlike Delta-9 THC, which occurs abundantly in cannabis, Delta-10 THC is found in cannabis plants only in trace concentrations.

Delta-9 THC may have varied effects in various individuals, but in small to medium doses, it relaxes most users. In higher doses, Delta-9 THC is more invigorating and capable of inducing an intoxicating high. Delta-10 THC has a milder relaxing effect on consumers. However, its users typically experience energizing effects resulting in improved focus and increased productivity.

The primary advantage of Delta-10 is that it produces a gentler high when compared to Delta-9 THC. Although it alters users' emotions and feelings, Delta-10 THC use does not impact cognition or coordination. Compared to Delta-9, Delta-10 THC has a much milder impact on users.

Because Delta-10 THC is commonly derived from hemp, it is mostly regarded as legal in the US. Per the 2018 Farm Bill, Delta-10 THC is federally legal in the United States and many states. Although several states have recently authorized Delta-9 THC for recreational use, federal law still prohibits its use (Schedule I status).

How Long Does Delta-9 Stay in Your System?

Intoxication effects brought on by taking Delta-9 THC usually persist between 1 and 4 hours after use. If you take a Delta-9 THC product orally, the effects will take up to 10 hours to wear off. However, even after the intoxicating effects of Delta-9 THC have worn off, it is possible that THC traces remain in your body and are detectable in a drug test for several weeks.

A variety of drug tests may detect THC and its metabolites. For instance, THC test strips may be used to administer quick THC tests for motor vehicle drivers on the road. Most drug tests cannot differentiate between metabolites of THC isomers; therefore, regardless of the Delta THC compound taken, a drug test may return a positive if you have taken any form of THC.

The period over which THC may remain in your body depends on several factors, such as:

  • Quantity and frequency of Delta-9 THC consumption
  • Age
  • Metabolic rate
  • Intake of other medications or supplements
  • The potency of the Delta-9 THC product taken
  • Method of consumption

The following are typical detection window periods for Delta-9 THC for standard drug tests:

  • Blood test: Up to 36 hours
  • Hair follicle test: Up to 90 days in chronic use cases
  • Saliva test: Up to 36 hours
  • Urine test: 1-4 days and up to 70 days in chronic use cases

Where Can I Find Delta-9 Gummies in Oklahoma?

Only Delta-9 gummies derived from hemp plants containing no more than 0.3% Delta-9 THC are legal in Oklahoma. Medical marijuana patients permitted to use marijuana-derived Delta-9 gummies may purchase no more than 72 ounces of the product. Delta-9 gummies are safe to consume and may get you high if you consume marijuana-derived Delta-9 THC gummies. However, hemp-derived Delta-9 gummies are unlikely to get you high. Registered medical marijuana patients in Oklahoma can purchase marijuana-derived Delta-9 THC gummies from approved medical marijuana dispensaries, while hemp-derived Delta-9 THC gummies are available at hemp shops, convenience stores, and online vendors.



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Oklahoma Delta-9 THC Overview