How To Replace a Medical Marijuana Card in Oklahoma

Replacement For Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Card Online

Can I Replace My Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Card?

Yes. Oklahoma medical marijuana cardholders (patients and caregivers) can replace their cards if stolen, destroyed, or damaged.

Do I Need to Report a Lost or Stolen Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Card?

Oklahoma does not require medical marijuana cardholders to report missing cards. However, anyone who wants to report a stolen or lost medical cannabis card in the state for record purposes may contact the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA) at (404) 522-662.

How to Get a Replacement Medical Marijuana Card in Oklahoma

Take the following steps to obtain a replacement medical marijuana card in Oklahoma:

  • Log in to the OMMA-managed Access Portal with the correct username and password
  • Click the "Create New Application" tab
  • Select the "Caregiver Card Replacement" or "Patient Card Replacement" tab
  • Select the replacement request reason and submit it

Cost of an Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Replacement Card

It costs $20 (payment by credit card) to replace an Oklahoma medical marijuana card. A $2.50 credit card processing fee also applies.

How Long to Get a Replacement Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Card?

Typically, the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA) processes requests for replacement medical cannabis cards within 14 business days. Cardholders should expect to receive their medical cards by mail within 2 - 5 business days after the OMMA approves their requests.

Replacement For Medical Marijuana Card

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